E-learning RF2024
Available courses

This course is for participants managing arrivals and access routes at Roskilde Festival. You will learn how to handle tickets, check wristbands, and ensure a smooth and friendly welcome for all festival guests, which is key to a positive festival experience from the start.

This course is for participants who will work with maintaining toilet areas at Roskilde Festival. The course covers everything from cleaning standards to hygiene practices, and you will acquire the necessary skills to maintain clean and functional toilet facilities for festival attendees.

This course is for participants who want to be involved in waste management and recycling initiatives at Roskilde Festival. As part of this team, you will learn about proper sorting, sustainability at the festival, and techniques for effective waste management to minimize the festival's environmental impact.

This course is for participants tasked with managing traffic and parking during the Roskilde Festival. As a volunteer, you will learn how to safely direct traffic, designate parking spots, and assist guests safely on their way, which is crucial for ensuring smooth and efficient traffic flow at the festival.

This course is for participants who want to serve as camping and service hosts during the Roskilde Festival. Through online modules, you will learn about best practices in guest service, area management, and conflict resolution, enabling you to create a welcoming and safe atmosphere for festival-goers.

I dette forløb vil du blive præsenteret for videoguides i betjening af POS (Point of Sale).
POS er de terminaler, der bliver brugt på RF til betjening af kundernes køb.
En video er ca. 30 sekunder.

📚 Infocenteret 2024: Velkommen til e-learningen for årets festival!
📞 Bliv klar til at besvare opkald og mails med modulerne "Hvem er Infocenteret?" og "Introduktion til Zendesk".
🎉 Vi glæder os til at se dig på Roskilde Festival 2024!

Kursus for frivillige ledere på Roskilde Festival
🎪 Forbered dig som leder af frivillige med moduler om briefing, motivation og håndtering af svære samtaler.
🎥 Få praktiske værktøjer og indsigt til at tackle festivalens udfordringer effektivt.
🌟 Bliv klar til at skabe en fantastisk oplevelse for alle!